Sunday 15 May 2016

28, the year of change

It's been a while since I last wrote a post and boy A LOT has happened!

Let's just skip to life at 28!

I love my job, Iv'e been with my partner Mike for 5 years, my little doy Aliy is 13, my best friends are getting married and having babies, and I just feel that there is more I need to see and do.

Mike has been working on a start up in Programatic Advertising and has the opportunitiy to move back to Sweden and turn it into a reality. There isnt much time to think about it and the pressure of buying a one one ticket can't be postponed any longer..... I have to make a decision and one fast!

What I had to weigh up?

Im 28 - If I don't go now I'll NEVER DO IT

Mike - If I don't go..... Either Mike won't be able to start his company OR we break up. He has been here for 7 years. How will he ever know where home is if we don't give Sweden a go?

Work - I have been in my role for 2 year. I'm working for a company that I love and have a boss that I look up to, but there is something that is eating at me. Im stagnate, I have so much to give but I just don't see where I can go. Im slowly finding it harder and harder to stand up for myself and put my ideas/ research out there as the thought of rejection or someone else taking the credit for my work is starting to eat at me. I find people around me talking the talk or rubbing up who they need to to get places ever so apparent. It's not me and not how I roll.

Family - Super close family and the thought of missing out on my parents birthday's, mothers/fathers day, Christmas just kills me. BUT they have just got the internet so Skype and Facetime are an option. My parents are also selling the family home, so again the thought of this happening when I'm away breaks my heart... I can't even write about it so I'm stopping right there. My grandparents are getting older and I want to see them as much as possible.

Aliy - My 13 year old dog! My best mate, my go to most treasured company. She still looks like a puppy so she will still be around when I get home. Mum and dad will take great care of her....... Ill write a separate blog about this......... the tears are rolling in!

Home - We have a great little apartment right by Bondi Beach. The perfect beach pad to wake up to 300m from the beach...... It's our home and I don't want to let go. What if I hate Europe and want to come home, what happens if I don't get a job and I want to come home? What happens if Mike and I break up and I want to come home? We need to hang onto it!!!

Friends - my best friends all live away from me so distance is something I'm used to. No matter what, we will be the best of friends forever. BUT there are 3 babies now in the group and I'm not going to be around!

We made the bold move to resign from work, pack up our apartment and move to Europe all within 3 months and a very limited bank account.
OH and we left on the 29th Dec so right in the middle of winter, SO first stop Bali for 5 week......

To be continued.......................